what is the magnetic effect of inside the solenoid ?
A solenoid is a long cylindrical coil of wire that acts like a magnet when current is flowing through it.
An experiment to demonstrate the magnetic effect of a solenoid is as follows
Aim - To test the magnetic effect of a solenoid.
Materials required – a long length of copper wire, a simple circuit, mariner’s compass.
Method – i) Wind the length of copper wire around a cylindrical object around 20-25 times.
ii) Remove the cylindrical object carefully leaving behind only the coiled wire.
iii) Connect this coil to a simple circuit.
iv) Place a mariner’s compass near the circuit and observe if the needle is deflected.
v) Increase the distance between the circuit and the compass to see how far the magnetic effect extends.
Observation – It is observed that when the mariner’s compass is placed near the circuit
the needle shows deflection. When the distance between the circuit and compass is increased the magnetic effect is decreased.