What is the magnitude of magnetic field at X which is equidistant from two parallel wires carrying current in same direction
You will get a magnetic field around the wire that follows the direction of the right hand thumb rule.
Magnetic field lines show the direction in which a North Pole (if you had a magnetic monopole) would move of free to do so in that field. Eg look at the lines on a bar magnetic itself. The move from N to S Pole.
This shows how a compass lines up in the magnetic field of a bar magnet. It's the same idea. The North Pole is attracted along the direction of the field lines.
let me assume that the current is flowing in upward direction as drawn in fig.
Now we know,
i) the current carrying straight conductor forms magnetic field in the form of concentric circles following right hand thumb rule.
The concentric circles of the two wires will overlap at point X. But their direction will be opposite.
so they will cancel out each others effect and the magnitude of the magnetic field at X will be zero Oersted.
Hope this helps mate !!!!