English, asked by arju74, 1 year ago

What is the main thim of the poem ' The Rime of the ancient Mariner
plz answer it quickly if u have time


Answered by aakashvoora

''The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'' is a poem that tells the story of a captain who went to sea with his crew. The poem describes their travels, leading up to the moment when the captain shoots an albatross that has been following the ship. This act of violence curses the ship, and the wind dies. The ship's crew perishes, and only once the captain repents for his actions, does the wind return.

arju74: All right but what is the main thim of all of this
aakashvoora: what is thim
arju74: Yes what is the thim
aakashvoora: its theme no thim
arju74: yes all right it's typing mistake
aakashvoora: sorry, i didn't understand what you asked that's why i gave a brief summary
arju74: It's okay no problem your answer also too good bettwr luck at the next time sorry
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