what is the major setback our country is facing due to female infanticide
gender equality
a n d e m p o w e r i n g
women is one of the
important targets of
the Millennium Development
Goals (MDG). With only three
years to go for achieving these
goals, many efforts are being
made at the international and the
national level. The United Nations
Organisation has declared “October
11” as the International Day for
the Girl Child since 2012. The
day shall be observed every year.
It is going to serve an important
purpose of fetching the spotlight
on the girl child and their problems.
This activity aims to promote
girl’s rights and highlight gender
inequalities that exist between girls
and boys. In 1995, during the World
conference on Women in Beijing,
the Beijing Platform for Action
had resolved to eliminate all forms
of discrimination against girl child
and to promote the rights of the girl
child. Further, the UN Convention
on the Rights of the Child, the
Convention on the Elimination
of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women (CEDAW), and the
international commitment of the
‘World Fit for Children’ adopted
by the UN General Assembly’s
Girl Child in India
issues concerning Children
Shweta Prasad
The opportunity
to be born,
opportunity to
grow in a safe and
secure environment,
opportunity to
develop ones’ full
potential are some
of the major issues
concerning the girl
children in India
Special Session on Children in
2002, underline the efforts of the
international community towards
the growth and development of
women and children.
India is a signatory to all of the
above international instruments.
Besides this, India has taken a
number of steps for ensuring the
growth of the girl children. The
Constitution of India offers all
citizens, including girl children,
certain basic Fundamental Rights
– the right to life and liberty,
the right to equality, the right to
freedom of speech and expression,
the right against exploitation, the
right to freedom of religion, the
right to conserve culture and the
right to constitutional remedies for
the enforcement of Fundamental
Rights. Further, the Directive
Principles of State Policy directs
the State to ensure that all children
are provided with services and
opportunities to grow and develop
in a safe and secure environment.
For realising these goals, India has
enacted a series of legislations such
as the Child Marriage Restraint Act
1929; Immoral Traffic (prevention)
Act, 1956; the Child Labour
(prohibition and Regulations Act),
1986; Infant Milk Substitutes,
Feeding Bottles and Infant Foods
[I hope help]
I don't know this only I am also finding