What is the mass in metric tones of a 86m wind turbine blade?
⛄⛄Calculate the mass (in metric tons) of a blade made of Aluminum, , ... The stresses in the blade cross-section was in the “Material requirements for wind turbine blades” 86 m () x () 0 x⛄⛄
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lecture found to:From the 䁀gure of the simpli䁀ed cross section it can be seen that:Keeping both the ±ap- and edge-wise material cross section constant:it is possible to choose a blade height variationand blade width variationresulting in aconstant stress state:In the addition it is now possible to 䁀nd the mass of the wind turbine blade as:DataThe properties of the three materials to be investigated are given in Table 1. The composite material data is forunidirectional (UD) composites with a 䁀bre volume fraction of. The carbon 䁀bre composite data is for alow cost carbon 䁀bre. The provided data for fatigue limits corresponds to approximatelyload cycles.MaterialDensitySti၀nessStrengthFatigue limitAluminiumUD glass 䁀bre compositeUD carbon 䁀bre compositeFor all three materials, it can be seen that the fatigue limit is signi䁀cantly lower than the static strength. Therefore,the fatigue limit will be used as the material limiting stress through out the exercises.=σflapx481π(2L+x)(L−xρairV2r)2Aflapxhflapx(1)=σedgex12g(L−xρmatAmatx)2Aedgexhedgex(2)= 2+ 2AmatxAflapxAedgex(3)≡;≡AflapxAflap0AedgexAedge0(4)hflapxhedgex≡;≡σflapxσflap0σedgexσedge0(5)=L= 2(+)LMbladeAmatρmatAflap0Aedge0ρmat(6)55 − 60%−108109ρ2700kg/m370GPa300MPa150MPa1900kg/m344GPa1000MPa180MPa1600kg/m3120GPa2000MPa300MPaTable 1. Properties of three different materials.
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