English, asked by navneet79, 1 year ago

What is the meaning of annoying


Answered by KomalTripathi

to make somebody angry or slightly angry

किसी को क्रोधित या नाराज़ करना; परेशान या तंग करना; ग़ुस्‍सा दिलाना

HoPe iT hElPs........

Answered by sweetandsimple64

Hey here is your answer

some examples is here

It's annoying that we can't travel until

Thursday, but at least the fare's cheaper then.

There's an annoying hum on this computer

It's annoying when people keep pronouncing your name wrong.

My car alarm keeps going off for no reason - it's really annoying.

He has an annoying habit of arriving just when we are having our meal.

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