What is the meaning of the angular frequency ω and wave number k of waves?
A: Light waves have a characteristic frequency f indicating how many times per
second the electric field of the light wave oscillates. The angular frequency ω is just
the same characteristic expressed in radians of phase per second instead of oscillations
per second, so ω = 2π f . Light waves also have a characteristic wavelength λ as
they move through space, which is the spatial distance between one electric-field
maximum and the next. The wave number k is a way of looking at the reciprocal of
that characteristic, so that k = 2π/λ. The speed of light c is related to these quantities
as c = f λ = ω/k. When we deal with particle-waves, for example using the de
Broglie wavelength, we also characterize them in terms of ω and k.
angular frequency of app body existing periodic motion is equal to the product of frequency of the body with factor 2π
omega = 2πv
v = frequency
Omega = angular frequency