What is the meaning of vid?
In history
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VID, the Sanskrit root of vidya meaning"to know" and related to "veda", "vid", Eye dialect spelling of "with."
there is no meaning for*"'"'((VID))'"'"* in history
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Vid is the root word of Veda.
- Vid means knowledge.
- The word Veda is derived from the root word Vid.
- The word Vedas comes from the Sanskrit root 'vid' and the suffix 'ghañ'.
- In Sanskrit he has five different roots, all called 'vid'.
- All of them can be understood as the etymology behind the word "Vedas".
- 1) The first root is ``vid sattayam'' (√vida̐ sattāyām, √विदँ सत्तायाम्), which means ``to exist''.
- The word 'vidyamana', which means 'to exist', derives from this etymology.
- Thus 'veda' means 'that which is always present' and the suffix ghañ means doer.
- The Vedas are uncreated or eternal because they are believed to be "Apaursheya" (not created by man).
- 2) The second root is ``vid jnane'' (√vida̐ jñāne, √विदँ ज्ञाने), which means ``to know''.
- The word 'vidvan' (vidvān), meaning 'one who is wiser and more knowledgeable', derives from this etymology.
- Hence, 'Vedas' means 'means of realizing [Brahman]' and the suffix ghañ means means of action.
- 3) The third root is ``vid labhe'' (√vidḷ lābhe, √विदॢँ लाभे), which means ``to achieve'' or ``to possess''.
- The word ``govinda'' means ``one who keeps or owns cattle, i.e. Krishna'' is derived from this etymology.
- Thus, the 'Vedas' are described as 'means for attaining [liberation]', with the suffix ghañ meaning means of action.
- 4) The fourth root is ``vid vicarane'' (√vida̐ vicāraṇe, √विदँ विचारणे), which means ``to ponder''.
- Hence, 'Vedas' should be understood as 'means of contemplation' or 'place where contemplation takes place' and the suffix ghañ means means or place of action.
- 5) The fifth root is ``vid chetana-akhyana-nivaseshu'' (√vida̐ cetanakhyānanivāseṣu, √विदँ चेतानाद्यानिवसेषु, which means ``to explain'').
- The 'Vedas' can thus be described as 'means of knowledge' (as mentioned above), 'means/place of [philosophical] explanation' and 'where [Brahman/knowledge] lives'.
- A means or place of action.
- Similarly, one of his in the name of OM is Sarvavid.
- Again, vid is derived from his first three roots above, meaning omnipresent, all-knowing or all-knowing, and all-acquiring or all-possessing.
- Furthermore, sarvavid also means knowledge of everything or perfect knowledge.
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