What is the message of the novel the invisible man
man's tendency to become moral or immoral with the acquirement of power.
Like many books of the same era, he uses science as the instrument of
retribution for the social crimes that have been committed.
Invisible Man is a name of a novel. It was written by Ralph Ellison. This novel was published in 1952 by Random House. This novel was written in order to address it to the issues that Africans and American were facing during the 20th century. It was also written in order to reflect the suffering of black nationalism, relationship between Marxist and black identity and also the reformist racial politics that was a major issues of individuality and personal identity.
Ralph Ellison use to live in Harlem during Harlem Renaissance. During that time he learned much about black culture. A part of his life was affected by the military service during WWII but once it's done he focussed on his written to the novel.
Aprt from all this, the writer Ellison was very much familiar with similar topic such as slavery, reconstruction, jazz, civil rights in a very realistic way.
Ultimately the writer came to the point where he accepted the fact that one must find identity within himself and not somewhere else.