What is the need and importance of elections explain in form of an article in 200 orfss.plssss be quick
★Importance of Elections ★
→India is one of the largest Democratic countries in the world . Here , people have complete right to choose their leaders through elections . In India , elections are freely held after every 5 years in order to ensure that people can choose their leaders freely . These elections are vital feature of a democratic country . Through elections , each citizen gets a right to vote for the leader they think is better for them .
→In India , each citizen of 18 years or above is eligible to vote . India follows a multi party system . Here , there are many political parties which offers a great deal of choice to people. It is through free and fair elections that people get to chose what is right for them. An independent 'Election Commission ' has also been established in India that ensures that elections are conducted in a free and fair manner .
•One Person , One Vote •
→Right to Vote is a vital right that each citizen of our country enjoys. India follows the principle of "Universal Adult Franchise" where each person of 1 8 years or above can cast their vote freely irrespective of religion , caste , colour , creed etc. Voting - is not just a formality . It shouldn't just be thought of as a formal job. Instead , it holds a great deal of responsibility ! A responsibility to choose our future leaders .
→What the main thing is that , through voting citizens choose their leaders . And these leaders make up our Government. Government is henceforth responsible for the future of the Nation. So you see , how these things form a connection ! Therefore , it becomes a huge responsibility to cast our vote in a fair and free manner . Now , what's the meaning of this term ? Here , I just wanna refer to the malpractice involved in elections and voting . Muscular power , use of money and violence are common in India . Leaders use all these things to win elections. And many of the people get influenced by such things and cast their vote just in accordance with that ! This needs to be taken care of to ensure that these rights hold good for each citizen .
=> Putting into nutshell , elections are a key feature of democracy and equal voting right is yet another linked aspect. Both go hand in hand and should be hence carried out with great responsibility being An alert and aware citizen of India .
Thank you !

Importance of elections :
Ф Government is a group of people who are responsible for the administration of the country and they need to run for the people , they are elected by the people and from the people .
Ф Here the Government will be chosen by all the people and everyone should have equal opportunity to elect the Government.
Thus the main motive of election is the "Right to Equality" because every person gets equal opportunities to vote .
Ф Voting does not at all depend on caste , creed , religion , gender , province or other differences and hence this is a strong aspect of the elections .
Ф On top of that elections help to form a central Government of people's choice and the Government is formed by the people whom the people trust and think they are able to continue the administration of the country.
Ф Election Commission helps to see that all elections are fair and justified . This is because the people should vote freely with confidence and trust.
If other political parties interrupt then it would not be a fair election.
Thus the scrutinization of the elections by the Election Commission is the most valuable aspect of the free election system in India.
Ф RAF and other military forces protect the people during elections.
This is done to ensure the viability of free elections .
Ф The elections promote unity among the people as the people come together to vote for their choice of political parties.
Ф Elections also show the condition of Government that is whether the Government is stable and has a majority vote or whether it is unstable.
Ф Thus elections help in deciding the future of a country because the political leaders elected by the people form the government and continue the Country's administration .
Ф The Universal Adult Franchise states that any person above the Age of 18 years should have the ability to vote irrespective of caste , colour , creed or religion.