what is the number we get after rounding of number 7621411to nearest lakhs
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◆ Answer -
7621411 ≈ 7600000
● Explanation -
- Given number is 7621411. We'll round it off in stepwise manner.
7621411 ≈ 7621410 ... dropped 1
7621411 ≈ 7621400 ... dropped 1
7621411 ≈ 7621000 ... dropped 4
7621411 ≈ 7620000 ... dropped 1
7621411 ≈ 7600000 ... dropped 2
Therefore, we'll get 7600000 (i.e. 76 lakhs) after rounding 7621411 to nearest lakh.
Rules to round off numbers -
- If the number you're rounding is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4, keep the last digit unchanged.
- If the number you're rounding is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, round the last digit up.
Thanks dear...
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