what is the number when added to 10763 to get a number exactly divisible by 48
cross multiply them.
505909 is the no when added to 10763 gives no exactly divisible by 48.
516672÷48=10764.(exact number).
Question : What is the smallest number to be added to 10763 so that it is divisible by 48?
Answer : To find the smallest number to be added to 10763 so that it becomes divisible by 48, we need to divide 10763 by 48. Upon dividing, 10763 by 48, we get 224 as a quotient and 11 as a remainder.
Now since the remainder is 11, to make 10763 completely divisible by 48, we are going to have to bring the remainder to an equal value of the smallest multiple of 48 . The smallest multiple of 48 is 48 because (48 × 1 = 48). So, to find the smallest number that needs to be added to 10763, to make it completely divisible by 48, we will just subtract the remainder i.e. 11 from 48.
48 - 11 = 37
Our answer is 37
The smallest number which must be added to 10763, to make it completely divisible by 48 is 37
We can verify this by adding 37 to 10763
10763 + 37 = 10800
Is 10800 completely divisible by 48?
10800/48 = 225
So, yes.
The answer is 37
37 is the number when added to 10763 to get a number exactly divisible by 48.
Step-by-step explanation:
hope it helps you ✌️