What is the other kind of equality describe and name them quick bro.
Answer 1. Natural Equality:
Though human differ in respect of their physical features, psychological traits, mental abilities and capacities, all humans are to be treated as equal humans. All are to be considered to avail all human rights and freedoms.
2. Social Equality:
Social equality is referred as equal rights and opportunities for development for all classes of people without any discrimination such as civil rights, freedom of speech, property rights, and equal access to social goods and services. However, it also includes concepts of health equity, economic equality and other social securities. It also includes equal opportunities and obligations, and so involves the whole of society.
Specifically, Social equality stands for:
Absence of special privileges for any class or caste or religions group or an ethnic group.
Prohibition of discrimination against any one on the basis of caste, colour, creed, religion, sex and place of birth.
Free access to public places for all the people, i.e. no social segregation.
Equality of opportunity for all people. It however accepts the concept of protective discrimination in favour of all weaker sections of society.
Contemporary theme of social equality is to eliminate gender inequality, to ensure equal status and opportunities to the women and to ensure equal rights of male and female children to live and develop.
3. Civil Equality:
It is elaborated as the grant of equal rights and freedoms to all the people and social groups. All the people are to be treated equal before Law. Civil liberty comprises of the enjoyment of similar civil liberties and civil rights by all the citizens. Civil laws should treat all the individuals equally. There should not be any discrimination of superior and inferior, the rich and the poor, caste and creed, colour and race, clam and tribes, groups and classes. Rule of law is in force in England and in the eyes of the rule of law all are equal. Equal treatment is given to all by the rule of law.
4. Political Equality:
It is referred as equal opportunities for participation of all in the political process. This involves the concept of grant of equal political rights for all the citizens with some uniform qualifications for everyone. All citizens must possess similar political rights, they should have similar voice in the working of the government and they should have equal opportunities to actively participate in the political life and affairs of the country. Political equality guarantees the enjoyment of similar political rights to all citizens. Universal adult franchise is a means to this end. Universal adult suffrage has been introduced in India. The same provision has been made in England, U.S.S.R., U.S.A., France and many other countries.
5. Economic Equality:
Economic equality does not indicate that equal treatment or equal reward or equal wages for all. It denotes to fair and adequate opportunities to all for work and for earning of their livelihoods. It also means that primary needs of all should be fulfilled before the special needs of few are gratified. The gap between rich and poor should be lowest. There should be equitable distribution of wealth and resources in the society.
Economic Equality is closely associated to political equality. Professor Laski stated the immense significance of economic equality. "Political equality is never real unless, it is accompanied with virtual economic liberty; political power".
According Lord Bryce, Economic Equality "is the attempt to expunge all differences in wealth' allotting to every man and woman an equal share in worldly goods". But this concept of perfect economic equality can never be materialised in practical politics.
Generally, economic equality mean the provision of equal opportunities to all so they may be able to make their economic progress. This can be done only in Socialism and not in Capitalism. Henceforth, Capitalism should be replaced by Socialism.
6. Legal Equality:
Legal Equality is defined as equality before law, equal subjection of all to the same legal code and equal opportunity for all to secure legal protection of their rights and freedom. There should rule of law and laws must be equally binding for all. In every society equality must be ensured in all these forms.
7. Equality of Opportunity and Education:
Equality of opportunity and education means that all the citizens should be given equal and similar opportunities by the state. All the individuals should have similar chances to receive education. They should have similar opportunities to develop their personality. Racial or any type of discrimination should not be observed. There should not be any distinction of caste and creed, colour and race, rich and poor. In India, all are provided with equal opportunities and all have equal rights to education.
In the political thought, equality is describe that all human beings are equal, and equality in distribute, namely equal distribution of wealth, social opportunities and political parties.
Hope this helps you. mark as brainliest.