What is the percentage of 2.85 gpa?? With solution
To Find your percentage from GPA, use the following method:
If your GPA is 3.0
(3.0 + 1) x 20 = 80%
If your GPA is 2.8
(2.8+1) x 20 = 76%
However, it is not possible to convert GPA to Percentage for those exams where the range is taken as the data to calculate GPA. For example, 4 GPA may have been assigned to a student who secures 92% and 94%. Then it is difficult to identify the exact GPA.
So, Hamro Library has made two different kinds of tools for converting GPA to Percentage:
1. Unadjusted GPA to Percentage converter:
It calculates your percentage simply by multiplying the total GPA obtained times 25. It is suitable to use when your GPA is calculated as per the marks obtained.
2. Adjusted GPA to Percentage Converter:
It is more scientific than the initial one as there is assigned a scale factor to reconcile the fluctuations in your actual GPA. It is useful when your GPA is calculated according to the range of marks that you have obtained.