what is the procedure for road safety accident prevention project while a U-turn

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Road accidents cannot be stopped despite providing the best possible roads and intersections, however there are ways to reduce the impact of road accidents on road-users and the vehicles plying on the road.The incidence of accidental deaths has shown an increasing trend during the period 2005 - 2015 with an increase of 54.3% in the year 2015 as compared to 2005 increase in the rate of accidental deaths during the same period was 25.5%.A total of 4,00,517 accidental deaths were reported in the country during 2015 (5,535 more than such deaths reported in 2014) showing an increase of 1.4% as compared to 2014. However, the average rate of Accidental Deaths has remained same 32.6 in 2014 and 2015.In the stretches we studied the road accidents are increasing rapidly .We studied accidental records of various police-stations ,identified the black-spots of accidents and then analyzed the geometric features of those spots whose observation is given in this paper .The identification of such points provides us ease to work on some section of road which is most prone to accidents .We analyzed the geometric deficiencies and they recommended ways to reduce their affects. The findings indicated that large radii right-turn curves were more dangerous than left curves, in particular, during lane changing maneuvers. However sharper curves are more dangerous in both left and right curves. Moreover, motorway carriageways with no or limited shoulders have the highest CR when compared to other carriageway width. Proper traffic guidance and control system to guide road users ensuring safe movement of vehicles has been recommended and some of the facilities such as pedestrian crossings and median openings, acceleration and deceleration lanes were re-designed in order to improve the safety of the road and minimize the accidents.
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