Chemistry, asked by Harshithaharshi9422, 1 year ago

What is the reaction between sodium acetate and sodium hydroxide?


Answered by ssvijay738

How does sodium acetate react with sodium hydroxide?

The reaction takes place if you heat a mixture of 1:1 ratio of (Sodium acetate : Sodium hydroxide) tell they melt

When salts of car­bon­ic acids are melt­ed with al­ka­lis (usu­al­ly potas­si­um or sodi­um hydroxide), alka­ne is re­leased, which has a car­bon bond that is one unit short­er than the car­bon­ic acid salt. This re­ac­tion is called the “Du­mas re­ac­tion” in hon­or of the French chemist Jean-Bap­tiste An­dre Du­mas, and is a de­car­boxy­la­tion re­ac­tion, i.e. car­bon diox­ide sep­a­rates from the car­bon­ic acid mol­e­cule.

when sodi­um ac­etate and sodi­um hy­drox­ide are melt­ed to­geth­er, meth­ane is re­leased, and the re­leased car­bon diox­ide in­ter­acts with sodi­um hy­drox­ide, and forms sodi­um car­bon­ate:

СН₃СООН + NaOH → СН₄↑ + Na₂­CO₃

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