English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

⭐️What is the reason for unemployment in engineering in India?

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Answered by guycalledaji144
Indian economy is underdevelopedand role of economic growth is very slow. This slow growth fails to provide enough unemployment opportunities to the increasing population. (iii) Increase in Population: It is the leadingcause of unemployment in Rural India.
Answered by Anonymous
Hey Rohan!!!

Here is your answer_______

# Incapable engineers: After getting B.tech degree no engineer is capable to do work without at least 6 months or one year training. This is a burden for companies so they are putting freshers aside with a simple word “experience”.

# Demand supply: There are nearly 4000 colleges across India. All producing 10 lakh engineers per year but for every single job 300 members are competing. The ratio increases every year due to the previous year unemployed.


# Ther are many reasons behind unemployment of engineers in india.Many students went go for engineering due family pressure and social prestige.Although they have no interest in engineering at all.

# Mushrooming of private engineering colleges which has no infrastructure and good faculty so students has to suffer.Syllabus of engineering is outdated.ithas less relevance in present SCENARIO.

# IT must be practical 80 percent practical and 20 percent theory which is now opposite.Faculty should praise creative people than good marks achiever.


Hope my anser will help u buddy....

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