What is the relationship man and geographical condition in political geography study?
The environmental causation continued throughout the 19th century. Humboldt asserted that the mode of life of the inhabitants of the mountainous countries of the Andes mountains differ from that of the people of Amazon basin, coastal plains and islands like Cuba and West Indies. Ritter attempted to establish the cause variations in the physical constitution of body, physique and health of people living in the different physical environmental conditions.
The Greek, Roman, Indian, Chinese and Arab geographers attempted to establish a relationship between man and natural environment. Kant, in the concluding part of the 18th century, advocated the impact of environment on the lifestyle and physical constitution and lifestyle the equatorial, hot deserts, Mediterranean, coastal and mountainous regions. According to Kant, the inhabitants of torrid zone are exceptionally lazy and timid, while the people of the Mediterranean region living in the mild temperature conditions are industrious, hard working and progressive.
The environmental causation continued throughout the 19th century. Humboldt asserted that the mode of life of the inhabitants of the mountainous countries of the Andes mountains differ from that of the people of Amazon basin, coastal plains and islands like Cuba and West Indies. Ritter attempted to establish the cause variations in the physical constitution of body, physique and health of people living in the different physical environmental conditions.