what is the role of government in india on providing public facilities in this pandemic outbreak ?
explain it briefly.
what is the role of government in india on providing public facilities in this pandemic outbreak ?
Explain it briefly.
The Indian state governments have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic in India with various declarations of emergency, closure of institutions and public meeting places, and other restrictions intended to contain the spread of the virus.
⏩More to know:-
☞A good system of regulation is fundamental to successful public health outcomes. It reduces exposure to disease through enforcement of sanitary codes, e.g., water quality monitoring, slaughterhouse hygiene and food safety.
☞Wide gaps exist in the enforcement, monitoring and evaluation, resulting in a weak public health system.
☞This is partly due to poor financing for public health, lack of leadership and commitment of public health functionaries and lack of community involvement.
Hope its helpful for u.....!!