Science, asked by samszy9921, 1 year ago

What is the sequence of method for obtaining rice grains from the harvested rice plants ?


Answered by manahil1111


Harvesting processes

Reaping - cutting the mature panicles and straw above ground. Threshing - separating the paddy grain from the rest of cut crop. Cleaning - removing immature, unfilled, non-grain materials. Hauling - moving the cut crop to the threshing location.There is a range of methods employed by VicForests during timber harvesting operations including; clearfell harvesting, Regrowth Retention Harvesting, Single-tree Selection Harvesting, Thinning and Salvage Harvesting as our most utilised methodsDrying is the process that reduces grain moisture content to a safe level for storage. It is the most critical operation after harvesting a rice crop. Delays in drying, incomplete drying or ineffective drying will reduce grain quality and result in losses.

hope it helps pls mark as brainlyist

Answered by Dhruv15000


ACCORDING TO CLASS 6 NCERT : Threshing_ Winnowing_ Sieving


1) Threshing is done to remove rice grains from the harvested rice crop. In this process , the stalks are beaten up to free the grain seeds.

2) Winnowing is done to remove the husk from the grains. It is used to separate heavier and lighter components by wind or blowing air.

3) Sieving removes the pieces of stones, stalk and husk that still may remain with rice grains after threshing and winnowing.

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