What is the significance of the poem laburnum top?
The Poem "The Laburnum Top" is a beautiful poem by Ted Hughes. In this poem, the poet has used the Laburnum tree and goldfinches as a symbol of life and its fluctuations. He describes the visiting of goldfinches on the Laburnum tree and how she has made a nest on it.The laburnum tree symbolizes the pattern of our life in general. Life is seemingly dull and inanimate but it is the attitude of a person towards life that makes it meaningful and worth living. The goldfinch brings cheer, happiness and mirth to the simple and inanimate surroundings
Laburnum Top is a poem that shows the states of existence both in the separation of the body and soul (beginning and end of the poem) and the (middle of the poem) union Which unmistakably and unambiguously provides the body-the tree- the vigour and the vitality mandatory for its life and its fulfillment.