What is the similarities between vedic period and modern world
What are the similarities of early vedic period and later vedic period?
What does it mean by early vedic period? Was there any time when Vedas were absent?
Vedas were never written time to time but they are anaadi.
Don't fall into western style historians. They says Rig Veda was first written and Yajurveda after that. However, Yajur is in gadya form and Riga is in padya. Had they said said that Yajurveda was written first, their fanatasy story would have been somewhat logical. Writing gadya is easier than padya. So, padya style should emerge later.
They say, mantra samhita were written first, then were written Brahmans. This imaginative story too falls off logic. Rituals should come first and per necessity mantras should evolve later.
Seems that These British idiots lacked even basic knowledge of nyaay, meemansha and vyaakaran, otherwise they would been successfully given some fantastic imaginative stories about History of India.
Their theory of ARYAN-INVASION in order to create aryan-dravidian divide and Brahmin-Dalit divide too falls far far away from logic. As said by Dr. Ambedkar, it's biggest lie of the 1000 years. After discovery of sarswati river, Dwarika city and Ram setu; all dating before so-called Aryan invasion; should any unbiased logical person would accept this PROPAGANDA to push on christian-missionaries ?
What are the similarities of early vedic period and later vedic period?
What does it mean by early vedic period? Was there any time when Vedas were absent?
Vedas were never written time to time but they are anaadi.
Don't fall into western style historians. They says Rig Veda was first written and Yajurveda after that. However, Yajur is in gadya form and Riga is in padya. Had they said said that Yajurveda was written first, their fanatasy story would have been somewhat logical. Writing gadya is easier than padya. So, padya style should emerge later.
They say, mantra samhita were written first, then were written Brahmans. This imaginative story too falls off logic. Rituals should come first and per necessity mantras should evolve later.
Seems that These British idiots lacked even basic knowledge of nyaay, meemansha and vyaakaran, otherwise they would been successfully given some fantastic imaginative stories about History of India.
Their theory of ARYAN-INVASION in order to create aryan-dravidian divide and Brahmin-Dalit divide too falls far far away from logic. As said by Dr. Ambedkar, it's biggest lie of the 1000 years. After discovery of sarswati river, Dwarika city and Ram setu; all dating before so-called Aryan invasion; should any unbiased logical person would accept this PROPAGANDA to push on christian-missionaries ?