History, asked by ashishborkar, 1 year ago

What is the story of Stone Age and hercules???

Annabeth: stone age and hercules are two different stories.


Answered by 2688
Heracles Ancient Greek, born Alcaeus, was a divine hero in Greek mythology, the son of Zeus and Alcmene, foster son of Amphitryon and great-grandson and half-brother (as they are both sired by the god Zeus) of Perseus. He was the greatest of the Greek heroes, a paragon of masculinity, the ancestor of royal clans who claimed to be Heracleidae , and a champion of the Olympian orderagainst chthonic monsters. In Rome and the modern West, he is known as Hercules, with whom the later Roman emperors, in particular Commodus and Maximian, often identified themselves. The Romans adopted the Greek version of his life and works essentially unchanged, but added anecdotal detail of their own, some of it linking the hero with the geography of the Central Mediterranean. Details of his cult were adapted to Rome as well.
Answered by Annabeth
(Okay, let me clarify, due to my Hellenic Polytheist origins, I would like to go with the original version i.e. the Greek version of the story.)
Heracles, as Greeks knew Hercules, was the son of Zeus (Jupiter in Roman version; the sky god ) and Alcmene (a mortal woman). "Heracles" literally means "Hera's Miracle" which was supposedly named by Alcmene to be in favour of Hera (Juno if you're Roman), Zeus' immortal wife, Goddess of Motherhood (Though her behaviour makes it debatable) and Marriage, and the queen of Olympus. Didn't quite work out as Alcmene planned; Hera hated Heracles. 
It is said that once when Heracles was an infant, Alcmene knowingly kept him on the path from which Hera and Athena (Again, Minerva if you're a Roman pleb). Hera and Athena on seeing the crying infant tried to comfort it and feed it. This is how Hera's milk added to already possessed super powers of Heracles. 
Once Heracles got older, he was known all over Greece for his strength, and Hera hated him even more (sadly she found out that infant was Heracles). She decided to take revenge. She drove Heracles mad. Yes. She did. (this is why I have issues with her). Heracles, in anger, murdered his wife Megara (you may remember her from the Disney movie, but that movie was wrong and bad)and their five kids. 
When he got back his consciousness, he realised what he had done. Then, as a punishment, the poor guy had to perform 12 Legendary Labours (Hercules had a Herculean task ahead of him). 
The Twelve Labours of Heracles were:
-He had to kill the Nemean Lion whose skin deflected every weapon known to man,
-He had to slay the Lernean Hydra who sprouted two heads when one was cut ( insert some Captain America joke here)
-He had to get the hind of Ceryneia who was Artemis' pet deer and you don't want to anger Artemis.
-He had to fight the Erymanthian Boar (refer Nemean Lion)
- He had to clean the Augean Stable (the air there was toxic and the horses breathe fire)
- He had to fight the Stymphalian Birds, iron birds who pecked people's eyes out.
-He had to fight the Cretan Bull who breathed fire.
-Had to get the belt of Hippolytus (Queen of Amazons ). Amazons killed men like we kill mosquitos. Did you even see Wonder Woman?
-He had to take care of Geryon's Cattle (no comments)
-He had to get the Golden apples from the Garden of Hesperides, well technically, he tricked Atlas into doing so for him.
- Finally, he had to tame Cerebrus; Hades' three headed puppy.

Then this dude married this lady, Deianira. A centaur fell in love with Deianira. He tricked Deianira into putting Centaur Blood (which is toxic) on Heracles' shirt and ultimately killing him.
This was the story of Heracles.

Story Of Stone Age
We all love HG Wells due to the show Time After Time (yes I watch practically every single BBC show, any problem?)
In the Story of Stone Age, dear old Herbert uses his imagination to describe life during the Stone Age. It tells the story of Ugh-lomi. Yes, that's a name. Ugh-lomi bonds with a young woman named Eudena. Ugh-lomi kills the tribe leader, who is his rival, Uya. Then when Ugh-lomi is in exile, he does a lot of stuff. He becomes the first person to ride a horse (yay!), he invents an axe. He used his weapons and prehistoric barabarian brain to survive. And at last, he becomes the leader of the tribe.
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