what is the tenure of grem penchayat and panchayat samiti ?
five years
The members of the Gram Panchayats have a tenure of five years and are directly elected from wards while the Sarpanch is elected by the members. There is provision for reservation of seats for women and for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.
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The tenure of both Gram Panchayat and Panchayat Samiti is 5 year's
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The members of the Gram Panchayats have a tenure of five years and are directly elected from wards while the Sarpanch is elected by the members. There is provision for reservation of seats for women and for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.
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The samiti is elected for five years and is headed by a chairman and deputy chairman elected by the members of the panchayat samiti. One sarpanch samiti supervises the other grampanchayats. It acts as a co-ordinating body between district panchayat and grampanchayat
Hope it's helpful
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