What is the tone in the story villa for sale
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The tone of the play
'Villa for Sale' is didactic. The playwright makes comparison between American Mrs. Al Smith and French, Mr. Gaston to ascertain as to who is better at doing
business. We find that Mrs. Al
Smith has a very proud opinion about the Americans and she is critical about
the French ways of life. However, she gets outsmarted by a Frenchman, who earns
hundred thousand francs from a deal signed in hurry by Mrs. Al Smith. Apart from this comparison, the tone also points to certain moral lessons. The first and
foremost value to be learnt is from Mrs Al Smith's haste . The lesson to be
learnt from her is never ever be in hurry while doing major deals involving a
huge amount of money. Had she not been in hurry, she could have saved a huge
amount of money. The second moral can be learnt from Gaston. One should always
be well prepared to assess and seize opportunities that often present
themselves to people in general. One should always be cleverly calculating to
grab the opportunity and turn it into one's own favour.
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