English, asked by dishadometi, 1 month ago

What is the tone of the poem, Her Head?

Near Ekuvukeni,

in Natal, South Africa,

a woman carries water on her head.

After a year of drought,

when one child in three is at risk of death,

she returns from a distant well,

carrying water on her head.

The pumpkins are gone,

the tomatoes withered,

yet the woman carries water on her head.

The cattle kraals are empty,

the goats gaunt—

no milk now for children,

but she is carrying water on her head.

The engineers have reversed the river:

those with power can keep their power,

but one woman is carrying water on her head.

In the homelands, where the dusty crowds

watch the empty roads for water trucks,

one woman trusts herself with treasure,

and carries water on her head.

The sun does not dissuade her,

not the dried earth that blows against her,

as she carries the water on her head.

In a huge and dirty pail,

with an idle handle,

resting on a narrow can,

this woman is carrying water on her head.

This woman, who girds her

with safety pins, this one

who carries water on her head,

trusts her own head to bring to her people

what they need now

between life and death:

She is carrying them water on her head.


Answered by zainabjaweria94


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Near Ekuvukeni,

in Natal, South Africa,

a woman carries water on her head.

After a year of drought,

when one child in three is at risk of death,

she returns from a distant well,

carrying water on her head.

Explanation …. Drought has ravaged the settlement named Ekuvukeni in the province of Natal in South Africa. Life has become scare making life for the women folk very hard indeed. As wells and water bodies have dried up in the parched land, a woman has to walk long distances to fetch water from distant wells. She brings the water by keeping the pail on her head.

The pumpkins are gone,

the tomatoes withered,

yet the woman carries water on her head.

The cattle kraals are empty,

the goats gaunt—

no milk now for children,

but she is carrying water on her head.

Explanation ….. The means of livelihood for the inhabitants of the area are nearly destroyed due to lack of water. Vegetable plants like pumpkin and tomatoes have shriveled, unable to survive in the parched earth. There is no respite for the woman. Water is indispensible for life. So, she continues to haul water on her head.

The engineers have reversed the river:

those with power can keep their power,

but one woman is carrying water on her head.

In the homelands, where the dusty crowds

watch the empty roads for water trucks,

one woman trusts herself with treasure,

and carries water on her head.

Explanation … The authorities have blocked the flow of water so that hydroelectric power plants have enough water to generate power. The privileged folks living in the upstream areas are much better off. Life in the downstream areas has become a real grind. People wait for water trucks winding their way in the mud tracks. Dust flies all round shrouding the thirsty folks waiting for the water trucks. But, the woman has no option but to trudge on with her load of water on her head.

The sun does not dissuade her,

not the dried earth that blows against her,

as she carries the water on her head.

In a huge and dirty pail,

with an idle handle,

resting on a narrow can,

this woman is carrying water on her head.

Explanation …. Undeterred by the scorching sun and the blasts of dust that buffet her along the way, she lumbers on carrying the large old pail on her head.

This woman, who girds her neck

with safety pins, this one

who carries water on her head,

trusts her own head to bring to her people

what they need now

between life and death:

She is carrying them water on her head.

Explanation … Water is the lifeline for her family. So, no matter how hard it is to bring it, she brings the water pail on her head. Her neck is girded by safety pins. She relies on her head to carry the load of water. She considers it her foremost duty to ensure her folks do not suffer thirst and perish. So, she does not demur to do the grueling work of fetching water.


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