what is the unit of frequency?
hertz is the unit of frequency.
Frequency is the ratio of 1 is to Time(T).
When a body repeats its motion repeatedly on the same fixed path in a given time period, its motion is called the periodic motion and it is called the time period.
The number of times it repeats the motion in a second is called its frequency.
Its SI unit is Hertz (Hz).
The number of presence of any loop, the number of times it is repeated, terms to be the frequency of that range.
To learn more visit, https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwj9haf9-cvnAhWRFo8KHYOFAJUYABAAGgJzYg&ae=1&sig=AOD64_1Qz1l2S4OrY8YgTJy5cc8YNwx8sg&adurl=https://play.google.com/store/apps/details%3Fid%3Dco.brainly%26gclid%3DEAIaIQobChMI_YWn_fnL5wIVkRaPCh2DhQCVEAAYASAAEgLh6fD_BwE%26gref%3DEikQAhohChsKEwj9haf9-cvnAhWRFo8KHYOFAJUQABgBIAASAuHp8P8HARiB8ovmAyIGGAUgATAB&q=&nb=0&nm=2