what is the use of boolean blocks in scratch?
A Boolean block is an elongated hexagonal block that reports boolean values. When the block is used, it acts as a reporter block, reporting "true" or "false" string values or the numbers "1" and "0" depending on their usage in a script.
A Boolean block is an elongated hexagonal block that reports boolean values. When the block is used, it acts as a reporter block, reporting "true" or "false" string values or the numbers "1" and "0" depending on their usage in a script.There are 13 Boolean blocks, and they can be found in the Sensing, Operators and Variables categories. Custom blocks can have Boolean inputs that may be present in a block definition.
In Scratch, Boolean blocks have a very distinctive shape that help you differentiate it from other blocks. Booleans have pointy ends; they look a bit like an elongated hexagon: An assortment of the Boolean blocks that you can find in Scratch. Booleans and Boolean statements