what is the use of conditional formating in MS excel?
there are 11 types of data formats available in excel. they are:
number- number is used generally for the display of numbers.
currency- this is used generally for monetary formats.
accounting- they line up the currency symbols and decimal points in a column.
date- they display date and time serial numbers as data values.
time- time formats display date and time serial numbers as date values.
percentage- they multiply 100 with the cel value and display it in the form of %.
fraction- they display the cell value in the form of fractions.
scientific- the cell values are displayed scientifically.
text - text format cells are treated as text even when the number is in the cell. the cell is displayed exactly as entered.
special - special formats are useful for tracking list and database values.
custom - type the number format code, using one of the existing codes as a starting point.