Music, asked by bharathchowdary4497, 9 months ago

What is the value of a quarter note / rest in 6 8 time signature?


Answered by JeonJimin22019

By contrast, 6/8 time also has two quarter note beats per bar so it's “duple” too, but each one divides into three, making it a “compound duple” time signature.

6/8 consists of two groups of 3 eighth notes,

Hey , hope this helps you

Have a great day !!!!


Answered by tripathiakshita48


Comparatively, 6/8 time is also "duple" because there are two quarter note beats each bar, but each one is divided into three, making it a "compound duple" time signature.

Two sets of three eighth notes make up a 6/8 time signature.


You've certainly seen a lot of 4/4 and a lot of 3/4 time signatures in music, but have you ever seen a 6/8 time signature? The compound time signature 6/8 has 6 beats per measure but gives the impression of two.

  • Time signatures like 4/4 and 3/4 are known as simple meters. Simple metres, or time signatures like 4/4 and 3/4, are counted and "felt" in a relatively straightforward manner, with one pulse for each count. An example of a compound metre is 6/8.
  • Even though we count each of those notes as a beat in a compound metre, we experience the music's pulse in larger groups of three notes. As a result, we hear the 6/8 pulse in two beats, with three beats filling in (or subdividing) the pauses.

Two methods exist for counting in 6/8 time:

The simplest is to assign one beat to each eighth note. When the music is playing slowly enough for you to want to tap every eighth note, you adopt a technique known as slow 6/8. Also possible is to write: 6/8 - two three-person groupings. Three sets of two make up 3/4.

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