What is time period?
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A time period (denoted by 'T' ) is the time needed for one complete cycle of vibration to pass in a given point. As the frequency of a wave increases, the time period of the wave decreases. ... Frequency and time period are in a reciprocal relationship that can be expressed mathematically as: T = 1/f or as: f = 1/T.
Hope this will help you!!!
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The time required to complete one oscillation is known as time period.
For example if you are swinging then time taken in moving maximum back then moving forward and finally returning to mean position is counted as time period :)
it is inversely proportional to frequency
T = 1/f
For example if you are swinging then time taken in moving maximum back then moving forward and finally returning to mean position is counted as time period :)
it is inversely proportional to frequency
T = 1/f
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