What is tourism marketing? Explain the marketing mix in detail.
Tourism marketing is the process of making people get attracted for coming to visit a certain place, that may be a country or a state anything. If there is good tourism in India then it shall be made possible make a good earning out of that, and a good economic support.
Tourism is one of the best way of developing and making a place attractive and as well as due to the attractiveness of such places, tourists visit the places and make the local people earn there living from the foreigners, by selling them some products.
The term tourism represents a service sold to tourists and related customers. Here, experience in tourism is the product, which is not tangible, and can not be stored also.
The quality related to tourist experience as a product is directly proportional to the degree of service quality that is provided by the tourism company to the tourists.
Tourism can be defined as a temporary movement of people from one place of interest to another In search of pleasure, refreshment of mind and business related activities.
The traveler and tourism is a huge prospective business with a common and single objective is to provide necessary and desired product and service to travelers.