what is transition element?
one of the group of metals in the centre of the periodic table. Transition metals are heavy, they melt only at high temperatures, they form coloured compounds, they can combine with another element to form more than one compound, and they often act as a catalyst
समस्त रासायनिक तत्वों की सूची के केंद्र में स्थित अन्यतम धातु-वर्ग (इन धातुओं की विशेषताएँ हैं वज़न में भारी होना, ऊँचे तापमान पर ही पिघलना, रंगीन यौगिकों का निर्माण करना, अन्य तत्वों के साथ मिलकर अनेक यौगिकों की रचना करना, और उत्प्रेरक होना); ट्रांसीशन मेटल
Transition elements (also known as transition metals) are elements that have partially filled d orbitals. IUPAC defines transition elements as an element having a d subshell that is partially filled with electrons, or an element that has the ability to form stable cations with an incompletely filled d orbital.