what is unit of charge?
The statcoulomb (statC) or franklin (Fr) or electrostatic unit of charge (esu) is the physical unitfor electrical charge used in the esu-cgs (centimetre–gram–second system of units) and Gaussian units. It is a derived unit given by
StatcoulombUnit systemesu-cgs, GaussianUnit ofelectrical chargeSymbolstatC or Fr, esu Conversions1 statC in ...... is equal to ... SI (charge) ~3.33564×10−10 C SI (flux) ~2.65×10−11 C CGS base units 1 statC = g1/2 cm3/2 s−11 statC = dyn1/2 cm = cm3/2 g1/2 s−1.
It can be converted using
1 newton = 105 dyne1 cm = 10−2 m
The SI unit of charge is the coulomb (C). The conversion between C and statC is:
1 C = 2997924580 statC ≈ 3.00×109 statC
1 statC = ~3.33564×10−10 C.
The number 2997924580 is 10 times the value of the speed of light expressed in meters/second