CBSE BOARD X, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

What is voice in English grammar?
Give rules!



Answered by Avni06


voice :

In grammar, the voice of a verb describes the relationship between the action (or state) that the verb expresses and the participants identified by its arguments (subject, object, etc.). When the subject is the agent or doer of the action, the verb is in the active voice.


There are two basic rules for converting sentences from ActiveVoice into Passive Voice, which are common for all tenses. The places of subject and object will be interchanged in the sentence. Only 3rd form of the verb or Past Participle (e.g. written) will be used as a main verb in Passive Voice.


I hope this will help u........plz mark it as a brilliant ans...........

Answered by CherryBlossom02


What is voice in english grammar? Give rules!



✨Voice is the verb from that shows the relation of subject to action in a sentence.


There are two types of voices:-

✨Active Voice

✨Passive Voice

Active Voice:

When the subject of verb does something,the verb is in Active Voice.

Passive Voice:

When something is done to the subject,the verb is in Passive Voice.


Rules for changing Voice

Present Tense

✨Simple Present

Rule:- Sub+am/are/is+V3( past participle)+by+object


Active : The barber cuts hair.

Passive : Hair is cut by the barber.

✨Present Continuous

Rule:- Sub+am/are/ is+being+V3+by+object


Active : The gardener is watering plants.

Passive : Plants are being watered by the gardener.

✨ Present Perfect

Rule:- Sub+has/have+been+V3+by+object


Active : They have been washed the clothes.

Passive : The clothes have been washed by them.

Past Tense

✨Simple Past

Rule:- Sub+was/we're+V3+by+object


Active : Ramesh threw the ball.

Passive : The ball was thrown by Ramesh.

✨Past Continuous

Rule:- Sub+was/were+being+V3+by+object


Active : The man was cleaning the street.

Passive : The street was being cleaned by the man.

✨Past Perfect

Rule:- Sub+had+been+V3+by+object


Active : Tom had painted the door.

Passive : The door had been painted by Tom.

Future Tense

✨Simple Future

Rule:- Sub+will/shall+be+V3+by+object


Active : My mother will forgive me.

Passive : I will be forgiven by my mother.

✨Future Perfect

Rule:- Sub+will/shall+have+been+V3+by+object


Active : Shilpa will have done the homework.

Passive : The homework will have done by Shilpa.

Verb with Two Objects

When the verbs which take two objects after them in the active voice are changed to passive voice,one of the objects becomes the subject in the passive voice and the other remains as object.


Active : The man taught him a lesson.

Passive : A lesson was taught to him by the man


He was taught a lesson by the man.

Passive with Interrogative Sentences

Interrogative sentences are changed from the active voice to the passive voice in the following ways:


1.) Active : Why did you beat him?

Passive : Why was he beaten by you?

2.) Active : Which boy scolded you?

Passive : By which boy were you scolded?

Passive of Commands


1.) Active : Open the window.

Passive : Let the window be opened.

2.) Active : Switch off the light.

Passive : Let the light be switched off.

Passive of Negative Sentences


1.) Active : I can't lift this box.

Passive : This box can't be lifted by me.

2.) Active : I don't like cheese.

Passive : Cheese is not liked by me.


✨Future Continuous and Perfect Continuous tenses do not have passive forms.

✨While changing sentences, you need to be careful about the use of personal pronouns.

For example:He, She, I, Her, Me, Him, etc.

#Hope this helps!

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