Physics, asked by haxen, 1 year ago

what is wheatstone bridge? Explain its use and details


Answered by Saharshthegreat
Wheatstone bridge is an electrical circuit used to calculate an unknown resistance with the help of a bridge circuit. For this, the two legs of the bridge circuit are kept balanced and one leg of it includes the unknown resistance. The Wheatstone bridge principle is similar to the working of potentiometer. Slight modifications in the Wheatstone bridge can help in finding other quantities like capacitance and inductance as well. It also helps in finding the amount of a particular gas that is mixed among a sample. The Wheatstone bridge measurement is very accurate and the value of the unknown resistance is mostly found out in order to measure other physical values like temperature, force, pressure and so on. It can be used in all electronic circuits. The device was first invented by Samuel Hunter Christie in 1833. The concept was later modified and popularized by Sir Charles Wheatstone in the year 1843.

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Answered by jitekumar4201

Wheatstone bridge

A Wheatstone connect is an electrical circuit used to quantify an obscure electrical opposition. One of the Wheatstone scaffold's underlying uses was with the end goal of soil examination and correlation.  

Its use and details

In reality, we run over the different signs, some of them are estimated by changes in obstruction and some of them are with inductance and capacitance.  

  • In the event that we think about the obstruction, the vast majority of the modern sensors like temperature, strain, moistness, dislodging, fluid level, and so forth creates the adjustment in the estimation of the opposition for a variable change. Along these lines, there is a requirement for a sign molding for each opposition sensor.  
  • By and large, the obstruction estimation is separated into three sorts, low opposition estimation, medium opposition estimation, and the high opposition estimation. On the off chance that the opposition estimation is potentially from a couple of milliohms to small scale ohms, at that point it is considered as a low obstruction estimation.  
  • This estimation is really utilized for inquiring about the reason. In the event that the estimation is from 1 ohm to 100 k is for the most part alluded as a medium obstruction estimation. Potentiometer, thermistors, and so forth estimation goes under this classification.

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