what is window with figure
About the Figure Window
MATLAB directs graphics output to a window that is separate from the Command Window. In MATLAB, this window is referred to as a figure. Graphics functions automatically create new figure windows if none currently exist. If a figure window already exists, MATLAB uses that window. If multiple figure windows exist, one is designated as the current figure and is used by MATLAB (this is generally the last figure used or the last figure in which you clicked the mouse).
The figure function creates figure windows. For example,
creates a new window and makes it the current figure.
The plot function creates a plot in a figure window. For example,
t = 0:pi/100:2*pi;
y = sin(t);
draws a graph of the sine function from zero to 2 in the current figure window, if one exists, or in a new figure window if none exists.
Annotating and Changing Plots Using the Plot Editor
After creating a plot, you can make changes to it and annotate it with the Plot Editor, which is an easy-to-use graphical interface. The illustration below shows the plot in a figure window and labels the main features of the figure window and the Plot Editor.
To save a figure, select Save from the File menu. To save it using a different format, such as TIFF, for use with other applications, select Export from the File menu. You can also save from the command line - use the saveas command, including any options to save the figure in a different format.
Help for the Plot Editor is available only online. Access it by selecting Editing Plots from the Help menu in the figure window, or from here.
Online Help for the Plot Editor
More About MATLAB Graphics
For more information about visualization with MATLAB, see the book Using MATLAB Graphics. You can access it online by selecting Using MATLAB Graphics from the Help menu in the figure window.