What is your point of view in the Philippine energy?
The country's primary energy supply consists of 60% fossil fuels and 40% renewable energy. The share of oil in the total energy supply-mix is significant, at about 31%.
User constraints: Impose annual or cumulative bounds on commodities .
Capacity transfer: The total available capacity is equal to the sum of investments.
Flow share: Limit the flexibility by constraining the share of each flow.
The Philippines is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire and thus has a high geothermal potential. In terms of electricity generation, 41.4% of the electricity demand is met by geothermal energy, 28% by coal, 11.4% by hydro, 15% by natural gas and 0.1% by wind, solar and biofuel . The current energy mix is composed of coal (47%), natural gas (22%), renewable energy (hydro, geothermal, wind, solar) (24%), and oil-based (6.2%) with current energy capacity at 23GW.