English, asked by jagtapdinesh700, 7 months ago

What is your View about life ?​


Answered by ck257768


it is an so soor ful life

Answered by Anonymous


Meaning of Life – How to make the life meaningful?

Life is a blessing of God. Life is a destiny planned and scripted by God. But life is a reality – it depends on how we make it. It is a journey which has planning, dreams, emotions, feelings, meaning, nightmares and many more.

“Each one of us creates the essence of lives. We can realise the ultimate meaning of life in ordinary human existence said the Confucius.”

Nobody knows for sure whether there is life after death or rebirth. But the only truth is that we have one life in our possession, we should live as best as we can in the most conscionable manner.

In Hinduism, the four basic purpose of life (purusharthas):

Kama (wish, desire, love and sensual pleasure),

Artha (wealth, prosperity, glory),

Dharma (duty, morality, virtue, ethics, truth)

Moksha (liberation from cycle of reincarnation)

Ancient Greek Philosophers, Plato (Platonism) view the life’s meaning as to achieve the highest form of knowledge; for Aristotle, life objective was to attain “highest good” and Epicureans defined is as a seeking of modest pleasures, tranquillity and freedom from fear.

The meaning of life as we perceive it is derived from our philosophical and religious contemplation of, and scientific inquiries, social values and conscious observations.

What we think of life as ordinary human, as we experience during our day to day living, keeping aside the philosophical, scientific or the logical discussion?

A practical understanding is far more important than seeking abstract truth of life. Life is empty canvas that we can fill up with colourful desires, as we please.

“Most of us as normal human want happiness, fulfilment, wisdom, peace and contentment. During journey of our life experiences, we should always rely on our instinct or gut feelings and practical own experiences. Life is a beautiful learning experience, and to a great extent, it depends on what and how you make it.” – Excerpt from “It’s your life-Best of O-zone” by Vinita Dwara Nangia .

The ultimate goal of the blessed life is physical health and mental serenity.

“The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe to match your nature with Nature.” – Joseph Campbell.

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