English, asked by wk99177, 1 year ago

what kind of life did kasturba gandhi live​


Answered by azarah27


she lived in such a keen and simple life Gandhiji also followed.

she has to be our model.

Answered by gukhan524


Kasturba Gandhi’s name is often lost in the face of Gandhi’s leadership but she was his pillar of support, the first individual who was a part of him like none other. If he could convince her to give up her notions of caste and untouchability, he could convince others of the same. She was perhaps the only person who could disagree with him and point out to him his mistakes. She was his companion, his wife, his caretaker and later in life his representative too.

In the early years of his marriage, Gandhi’s attempts to control Kasturba bore no fruit. Historian Vinay Lal writes, “Kasturba never acceded to her husband’s wishes easily, and Gandhi’s autobiography itself furnishes a remarkable testimony to her tenacity and independence of judgement, and the sharp disagreements she came to have with him when, in the first two decades of their marriage, he unreasonably sought to bring her under his control.”

She exhibited great courage when she was in South Africa. One one occasion helping Gandhi escape when a white mob was threatening him and took her sons with her and found shelter in another house. While in Phoenix she lived alone in the wilderness and when Gandhi was away she would keep everyone in the settlement in good cheer.

According to Aparna, “She began to exert very gently and in a dignified manner her authority and won the respect and cooperation of everyone. Though uneducated, she maintained the accounts accurately. She was extremely self-disciplined and soon became everyone’s mother or Ba.”

Ba – the mother and the grandmother

She was a loving mother and grandmother and was very attached to her children and her grandchildren. On her deathbed, her moments of joy were when she had her children visit her.

Sushila Nayar who spent many years with the family wrote about Ba,”If there was anybody with whom I felt at ease, it was Ba. She talked to me sweetly in her broken Hindustani and looked after my needs. With all her greatness she had a mother’s simple heart and her motherliness pervaded the atmosphere around her.”

The satyagrahi

She was simple and gentle. And in her gentleness one can see the strength that came through. Over the years she kept pace with her husband and the different roles he was performing. She supported him in his quest for social, economic and political equality for Indians in India and before that in South Africa.


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