What means and methods do you think one has to adopt in order to be truly educated ?
Means and methods do you think one has to adopt in order to be truly educated.
Education is a lifelong process. It is learning from the things around us every single day. To be a truly educated person, there are many ways which one can adopt.
Firstly, we can always learn from others irrespective of their class, profession, religion, race, caste, etc. Every person you meet in life will always teach you something new. It is important to embrace everyone you meet in life.
Secondly, we must always be eager to learn. We must keep our minds open to take into other's opinions and ideas. We must appreciate and listen to other's opinions in order to develop a clear understanding about thins in life.
Thirdly, one must always practice what they preach. We should be able to put into practice all the things we learn in life.
Lastly, it is always good to share what you know. The purpose of your education is to help someone who does not know. Always help and share the knowledge with others who are unaware and vulnerable.
Adopting these ways will make a contributing person to the society and will make you a truly educated person.
Learn more:
Importance of education.
Purpose of education.
In order to be truly educated, one has to adopt the following methods :
1. To be a truly educated person, one must have good manners like being disciplined, kind, humble, loyal, trustworthy, etc. Not only taking a degree means being an educated person. He or she must have good manners.
2. It is in fact true that each and every person that we meet in our life teaches us something new. So we must embrace everyone that we meet in our life.
3. We must share our knowledge with others. Sharing knowledge with one another others builds up our knowledge and skills.