Political Science, asked by shuchishukla3434, 3 months ago

What might happen to the world if one day all the computers stop


Answered by Angelpriya80


1) There would be no internet anymore. 2) Mobile phones would be useless, the networks they run on would disappear over night. 3) All digital cash would disappear. ... 5) For a while television networks would also be down

Answered by s60927


It would be catastrophic, of course. Every nuclear facility would become uncontrollable, and there would be numerous meltdowns. All the airplanes would fall out of the sky. Trains and cars and all forms of transportation except pretty old vehicles would become unworkable. Those that were moving would crash. The rest would become unusable.Most communications would stop. NO phones. No email. No snapchat. No nothing. Businesses and government would grind to a halt. The electrical grid would go down. Dams would be uncontrollable. Factories would be unusable. The economy would take a huge hit. There would be massive starvation, as we could no longer grow the food we need, since tractors wouldn't work. People would probably have to move to the country and start growing food by hand. There would be massive riots as people fought over land

A lot of people would die, but people would start going back to the way we did things before computers: by hand. We would write on paper and calculate with abacuses. We would cultivate with hoes and shovels. We would ride bikes and horses. We would analyze things on paper and with brute force calculations.It's a dystopic vision, and not one I think is really worth thinking about. It is highly unlikely. Hard to imagine what could bring such a world about. But disastrophists like this kind of scenario, and I think they like to own compounds in Montana, and they have stored lots of food for such an eventuality. They also have a lot of guns to protect themselves against the riots and people who would steal what they have. I suppose it'll be good if some people survive, but it'll be better if the disaster never happens.

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