Computer Science, asked by rishisanjay45, 1 year ago

what program is used to print 1 to 10 FOR...NEXT loop.​


Answered by amaira786


For…Next Loop

FOR…NEXT command allows us to execute a part of a program a certain number of times. It looks like this:

FOR i = 1 TO 4

PRINT “For …. Next Loop!”



Write a program to print your name 10 times using For…Next loop.

Write a program to print first 10 natural numbers using For…Next loop.

Write a program to print the first 10 natural numbers in reverse order using For…Next loop.

Write a program to print numbers 10 to 15 using For… Next loop.

Write a program to print the series: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 using For… Next loop.

Write a program to print the series: 0, 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6 using For… Next loop.

Write a program to print all the odd numbers between 1 to 10 using For…Next loop.

Write a program to print all the even numbers between 1 to 10 using For…Next loop.

WAP using For…Next loop to print in descending order, the series of odd numbers between 10 and 110.

WAP using For…Next loop to print the sum of any 10 numbers.

Write a program using For…Next loop to find the sum of the series:  1+2+3+4+5.

Write a program using For…Next loop to find the average age of 10 students.

WAP to input name and marks of a student in 5 subjects and print the total marks, percentage and   average marks.

WAP using For…Next loop , to input names and marks in four  subjects of 25 students, and calculate the total marks, percentage and average of each student. Print the name, marks, total marks, average and percentage of each student.

Write a program using For…Next loop to find the sum of the series of even numbers between 215 and 315.

Write a program using For…Next loop to find the sum of the series: 5, 10, 15, ……………. , 50.

Write a program using For…Next loop to print the table of 5.

WAP using For…Next loop to print the sum of the following series:   x+ x2+x3+x4……..x10.

WAP using For…Next loop to find the sum of the following series: X2/2 + x4/4 + x6/6 + .. + x20/20 .

WAP using For…Next loop to find the sum of the following series:  X+ X3/3 + x5/5 + x7/7

Write a program using For…Next loop to find the sum of the following series:  4/y+4 +7/y+7 + … + 16/y+16.

Write a program using For…Next loop to find the sum of the following series: P2/p+2 +p4/p+4 + … + p12/p+12

WAP using loop to input the value of x and generate the following series: x, x2, x3, …, x20

WAP using For…Next loop to print the following series in descending order: 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27. 

Write a program to print first 10 multiple of any number input using For… Next loop.

WAP using For…Next loop to print the square of the first 10 natural numbers in descending order.

WAP using loop to input the value of N and print the sum of the series:   N+1/1 +  N+2/2 +  N+3/3 + …. + N+15/15

Write a program to print the summation and multiplication of the numbers from 1 to 50 using For… Next loop.

Write a program to compute P value using For… Next loop where: P=(1)^2+(3)^2+(5)^2+………+(25)^2.

Write a program to print the number and its square using For… Next loop.

Write a program to print the factorial of 9 using For… Next loop using For… Next loop.

Write a program to print the addition of numbers from 1 to 750 using For… Next loop.

Write a program to print the even numbers between 21 and 71 on one line using For… Next loop.

Print a conversion table from gallons to liters starting at one gallon and finishing with 20 gallons. (1 gallon = 4.5 liters) using For… Next loop.

Count backwards from 20 to 1 and have the numbers all appear on the same line using For… Next loop.

Write a program using For… Next loop to compute the ( N! ) value. Where N!=1*2*3….N

Write a program using For… Next loop to compute the area and circumference of triangle it sides x=4,y=3,z=5.

WAP in QBASIC , using for…next loop, to print the first 10 terms of the Fibonacci series (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 8…)

Write a program using For… Next loop to find the sum of the given series: 1+x+x^2+x^3+…..+x^n

Write a program using For… Next loop to input the value of x and n and generate the following series: (x+1)+(x+2)2+(x+3)3+…..+(x+n)n

Write a program in BASIC to input the values of P and Q and print the sum of the following series : 5/p6+6/p7+…+Q-1/pQ

Write a program in BASIC using loop, to input the value of x and print the sum of the following series : x/x+1 + x3/x+3 + x5/x+5 + ….. + x13/x+13

Write a program in BASIC using loop, to print in vertical order.

Write a program in BASIC using loop, to print in reverse vertical order.

Write a program in BASIC using loop, to print in vertical order in an angle.

Write a program in BASIC using loop, to print the Farenheit temperature chart in the form given below (F=c*9/5+32). 






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