what role do themes play in historians efforts to organize information about the past
Historians organize the data and interpret historical narratives. Their sources are diaries, photographs, travel documents etc of our ancestors. A historian has the resposibility to percieve past events and analyze them under various themes. History is an important source of learning lessons through moral, ethical, political, social and administrative actions and decisions of our predecessors. Hence themes are very important when historians document past events.
That depends particularly on your meaning of themes, particularly since synthetic activities alluded to as full scale put on our transformative timescale are only small scale reaing of history thorugh themes of war, exapnsion of kingdom and making time a constant component in history. What's more, small scale time and history is not to be a result of large scale at its motivation. In this way, a puzzling of large scale and small scale is surely another frustrating of outcome and cause, yielding in the expressions of Nietzsche grave degeneracy of historical impact