Computer Science, asked by manancheeku, 1 year ago

What's the firsWhat's the main benefit of switching a website to HTTPS?t step to planning your online business security?


Answered by ajjubhai94official


There are two types of SEOs:

Those who love the technical stuff…

…and those who hate it.

If you fall into the first category, you’re probably already experienced with HTTPS.

If you’re in the second category of SEOs, you might be a little intimidated by it.

If you are intimidated, it’s for a good reason, and I completely understand it.

There are some parts of HTTPS that are complex, but most of it is simple.

Furthermore, you don’t need to understand the exact behind-the-scenes work going on in order to implement HTTPS on a website.

What’s the deal? Is HTTPS important or not?

The idea of HTTPS has always been a good one, and most leading businesses implemented it a long time ago.

However, somewhat recently, Google announced that HTTPS is a ranking factor.

Obviously, that got SEOs talking about and debating the subject.

At the time, it was a very small ranking factor, affecting less than 1% of global searches. Even now, it’s not a big factor.

However, security is something that Google takes very seriously, and it’s likely to become more important in the future.

Some SEOs jumped right on it and made the switch.

Most saw little to no improvement, but there was certainly anecdotal evidence of ranking improvements:


There is a potential benefit of making the switch.

On top of search rankings, you also get a pretty lock symbol in Chrome and Firefox.


If your site isn’t HTTPS, you don’t get this symbol, and sometimes visitors may get warnings about the security of your site on certain types of pages.

HTTPS: Explain it to me as if I’m five

I’m not going to pretend to know all the technical details behind HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), but I can certainly tell you the basics.

The main benefit of HTTPS is that it makes your site more secure for your users. More specifically, it’s more secure when a user is giving you any sort of information.

It’s essential on pages where users are required to give their credit card information and/or other personal details. However, it’s a good thing to have on all pages.

The real change happens when a user submits their data. HTTPS is able to provide multiple layers of protection to that data:

encryption – the data is worthless to anyone who somehow manages to intercept it because they don’t have the key to decrypt it (you do).

data integrity – data can’t be corrupted, which is a good thing.

authentication – it prevents “man in the middle” attacks, which means that it’s not possible for anyone to trick your customers into thinking they’re providing you data when they’re really giving it to a scammer. This is what your SSL certificate (more on that soon) is for.

Answered by kishunkumar87kishun


HTTPS conducts your security of your website if you are not using HTTPS then their is a chance of hacking your website or some issues related net banking

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