Hindi, asked by rakeshmadrasi2000, 5 months ago

*What should be done before discharging village sewage water into water bodies?*

1️⃣ Filtration Process
2️⃣ Sieve Method
3️⃣ Purification Process
4️⃣ Drainage Method​


Answered by Anonymous


The Lodi dynasty was an Afghan dynasty that ruled the Delhi Sultanate from 1451 to 1526. It was the fifth and final dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate, and was founded by Bahlul Khan Lodi when he replaced the Sayyid dynasty.

Answered by anuksha0456


Sewage mostly consists of human excreta and contains significant volumes of organic waste and harmful bacteria. As a result, trash must be reduced in pollution before being discharged into bodies of water.

The following steps describe the sewage treatment process:

  • Primary treatment - A filtration and sedimentation technique is used to remove big and tiny particles in this treatment. The floating debris is removed during the filtration process by passing it through mesh wire screens. The dirt and tiny stones are then removed by sedimentation. The sediment is referred to as primary sludge, while the supernatant is referred to as primary effluent. The effluent is subsequently sent to the secondary treatment process.
  • Secondary treatment entails continually agitating massive aeration tanks containing initial effluent with a continuous supply of air.As a result, aerobic microorganisms proliferate rapidly, eating a large portion of the organic effluent and lowering the effluent's biological oxygen demand (BOD). The sewage is then pumped into a settling tank, where bacterial flocs settle, resulting in activated sludge. Some of the activated sludge is recycled into an aeration tank to serve as inoculum, while the rest is routed into enormous tanks known as anaerobic sludge digesters.

Here, anaerobic bacteria thrive to generate biogas, which is a combination of gases including methane, hydrogen sulphide, and carbon dioxide. This wastewater can then be discharged into natural bodies of water.



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