What steps can be taken to control global warming ?
1⃣Change a light. Replacing one regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb will save 150 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.
2⃣Drive less. Walk, bike, carpool or take mass transit more often.
3⃣Recycle more.
4⃣Check your tires.
5⃣Use less hot water.
6⃣Avoid products with a lot of packaging.
7⃣Adjust your thermostat.
8⃣Plant a tree.
The process of formation of shield like structure by the pollutants present in the air which readily absorbs the heat from the atmosphere and doesn’t emit it leading to a condition called as global warming. Due to such drastic accumulation of heat on the earth causes high temperature and leads to a tremendous effect on living species. The steps to control global warming are:
Decreased deforestation and increased a forestation process.
Reduction in usage of vehicles for travelling little distance.
Pre treatment of the air emitted from the industries before they are let out to the environment.
Reduction in usage of fuel which emits more amounts of carbon dioxide and other polluting substance.