What steps have been taken to ensure the intrests of the margenalised communities?
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The noun‘marginalize’ means confine to a lower or outer limit or insignificant as of social standing. The word marginalised, suggest an ill and poor social condition of India. It means that a particular section and class of the society has been labelled as marginalised. We cannot fix the marginalised section of the society only on the basis of religion or caste. It is the inequality and discrimination, which is the root cause in evolving marginalised section in the society and by this interpretation; poor and destitute also falls under the category of marginalised section of the society. This demands an over view of the State/ Central Government, legislatures work for the upliftment of the marginalised section of the society.
The evolution of any law is purely based on the problems, inequalities and challenges in the society. The equality and justice as stated in preamble of the Indian constitution are the grundnorm for the constitution of India as well as all laws. It is the objective of equality and Justice which has evolved the fundamental right. These are the basic rights of any human, residing in the territory of India. In any condition these rights cannot be waived. In case of violation of these rights one can directly approach to the Supreme Court or High Court of the state. Article -15 of the constitution of India was evolved with the objective to remove the discrimination on the ground of the religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth. At the time of freedom, Indian society was badly infected with the virus of discrimination on the bases of religion, caste and sex. People and leadership used to treat minorities, women as slave and of low class, their self respect used to be considered, as having different meaning than other sections of the society. As a result, this article was adopted as part of fundamental rights in constitution of India on 26th of November 1949. The amendment of 1951 in article 15 of the constitution of India, empowers the state to make provision for the advancement of the socially and educationally backward class or for schedule caste or schedule tribes through schemes or laws. The evolution of Schedule caste and tribe Act, Minorities Act, laws prohibiting female foeticide and other special laws are example of the steps taken for the advancement of the marginalised section of the society.
Article 16 of the Constitution of India ensures equality in public employment. This article specifically empowers the state to fix reservation for SC/ST/OBC in government jobs. Similarly article 15 empowers the government/state to affix reservation for admission in educational institutes for socially and educationally backward or SC/ST class. Based on this every educational institutes and public employment opportunities has fix quota or seats for the reserved class. The policy of reservation is supported by various laws and regulation formulate by the government. The amendment of 1995 in COI, empowers the state to make reservation in promotion and the objective to achieve the equality in status. In fact few states have reserved seats for women in various educational institutes and government jobs. The abovementioned is an instance of efforts made for the advancement of marginalised section of the society.
The evolution of any law is purely based on the problems, inequalities and challenges in the society. The equality and justice as stated in preamble of the Indian constitution are the grundnorm for the constitution of India as well as all laws. It is the objective of equality and Justice which has evolved the fundamental right. These are the basic rights of any human, residing in the territory of India. In any condition these rights cannot be waived. In case of violation of these rights one can directly approach to the Supreme Court or High Court of the state. Article -15 of the constitution of India was evolved with the objective to remove the discrimination on the ground of the religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth. At the time of freedom, Indian society was badly infected with the virus of discrimination on the bases of religion, caste and sex. People and leadership used to treat minorities, women as slave and of low class, their self respect used to be considered, as having different meaning than other sections of the society. As a result, this article was adopted as part of fundamental rights in constitution of India on 26th of November 1949. The amendment of 1951 in article 15 of the constitution of India, empowers the state to make provision for the advancement of the socially and educationally backward class or for schedule caste or schedule tribes through schemes or laws. The evolution of Schedule caste and tribe Act, Minorities Act, laws prohibiting female foeticide and other special laws are example of the steps taken for the advancement of the marginalised section of the society.
Article 16 of the Constitution of India ensures equality in public employment. This article specifically empowers the state to fix reservation for SC/ST/OBC in government jobs. Similarly article 15 empowers the government/state to affix reservation for admission in educational institutes for socially and educationally backward or SC/ST class. Based on this every educational institutes and public employment opportunities has fix quota or seats for the reserved class. The policy of reservation is supported by various laws and regulation formulate by the government. The amendment of 1995 in COI, empowers the state to make reservation in promotion and the objective to achieve the equality in status. In fact few states have reserved seats for women in various educational institutes and government jobs. The abovementioned is an instance of efforts made for the advancement of marginalised section of the society.
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