History, asked by Ujjwalraj549, 1 year ago

What time period did James Cook begin the colonization of Australia


Answered by rejibala3


In 1770 Captain James Cook sailed the high seas with his crew and made the long and exhausting journey to Australia. When Captain Cook landed on the shores of Australia he declared it to be a colony of Great Britain and named it New South Wales. However, the land wasn’t exactly devoid of inhabitants when he arrived. Historians estimate that there were over a million Aboriginal Australians living in Australia, working the land and living harmoniously with each other – until Captain Cook arrived.

What happened afterward was not exactly what anyone would call smooth sailing. The Aboriginals were not too happy with the new settlers. And the settlers didn’t love the Aboriginals either. There was not an only tension between the two groups of people but outright attacks broke out multiple times. Aboriginal Australians were not treated well at all, and you may be surprised to see the extent of their mistreatment.

Aboriginal Australian history still a sensitive topic today. And even though their treatment has drastically improved, there is still much to be done to allay the issues that have taken root since the British sailors’ arrival.

After they sailors landed in Australia, Aborigines were thrown out of their homes, and their land was taken from them. Their land was also their livelihood. They were forced to move into new lands, which were much harder to farm and could not sustain them.

The Aboriginal Australians were cast aside by the settlers. But the Aboriginals did not accept their new situation lying down. Rather, they fought back for what they believed was rightfully theirs, pushing back against the invaders, many of whom were convicted criminals from the U.K.

It is imperative to understand the past and history of the Aboriginal Australians in order to understand the news today. Just recently the United Nations released a report regarding Australia’s treatment of present-day Aboriginals. We delved into the Aboriginal Australian history to better understand the situation today. Where did these Aboriginals come from? How did they get to Australia? How did they feel when the settlers arrived and more importantly how did both sides respond to each other? These questions and more will all be answered, including why the U.K. thought it was a good idea to release thousands of convicts from their jails and send them to Australia to settle the land.

Did you know?

Aboriginal Australians, who are also known as indigenous Australians, arrived in Australia at least 40,000 years ago. The aboriginal Australians were separated into groups where they would develop survival skills based on where they were situated in Australia. For example, those who lived near the ocean learned to fish. These Aboriginals were very spiritual and they held a very strong and close connection with the earth, nature and their surroundings. The biggest settlement of Aboriginal s was along Murray River valley.


Answered by sweetshivani137


James Cook was a naval captain, navigator and explorer who, in 1770, charted New Zealand and the Great Barrier Reef of Australia on his ship HMB Endeavour. He later disproved the existence of Terra Australis, a fabled southern continent. Cook's voyages helped guide generations of explorers and provided the first accurate map of the Pacific

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