English, asked by dhruvrajsinghsuryava, 5 months ago

What took the shape of showers in the sky?​


Answered by cutiegirl2007


meteor showers occur when dust or particles from asteroids are comments enter earth atmosphereic at very high speed . when they hit the atmosphere ,meteor rub again air particles and create friction . the heat vaporise most metors creating what we call shooting stars.

Answered by pinkusanyal89

Meteors took the shape of showers in the sky.


  1. A celestial event that occurs in the sky where the number of meteors originates, radiating from one point is a so-called Meteor shower.
  2. They are formed due to cosmic debris known as Meteoroids.
  3. Vaporization of meteors is what we called shooting stars.
  4. This process occurs when dust particles from asteroids and comets strike the earth's surface at a very high speed, then such a phenomenon happens.
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